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Main | Photographer of the Year - Freelance/Agency | Second Place
First Place
Paolo Pellegrin
Magnum Photos

Second Place
Tomas Munita
Freelance for The New York Times

Third Place
Paolo Marchetti

Award of Excellence
Vincent Yu
Associated Press

Second Place
Tomas Munita
Freelance for The New York Times

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This Gazan university student works in a tunnel, hauling goods to earn moWith encroachment from settlers and speculators, and after a devastating war against Shining Path rebels a decade ago, the indigenous Ashaninkas’ hold is precarious. And they are now facing a new peril, the proposed 2,200-megawatt Pakitzapango hydroelectric dam, which would flood much of the Ene River valley. The project is part of a proposal for as many as five dams that under a 2010 energy agreement would generate more than 6,500 megawatts, primarily for export to neighboring Brazil. The dams would displace thousands of people in the process.


Victoria Kubirinketu, an Ashaninka woman, walks back to her village after collecting bananas and a banana flower (in her hands). She lives in Tsiquireni, a village just below the area where Pakitzapango dam is planned to be built.



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