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Lynn Univ.



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Pictures of the Year Latam 2013 (POY Latam) is now open for entry and will accept submissions until March 4

POY Latam accepts work from photographers who are citizens or residents of Ibero-American countries, including Spain and Portugal. The contest will recognize photographs taken in 2011 and 2012. There is no specific time requirement for submission to three categories, including "Between the real and imaginary," "Our look at the Middle Class," and the Carolina Hidalgo Vivar Human Landscape Prize. There is no entry fee

POY Latam, which aims to "celebrate excellence in photojournalism, multimedia and photographic books," has grown into the largest documentary photography contest in Latin America

The competition, organized by the Nuestra Mirada network of photojournalists and Pictures of the Year International held its first competition in 2011.

POY Latam 2013 will be judged at the University of Ceará in Fortaleza, Brazil in April 2013. The Jury includes, Cristina Garcia Rodero (Spain), Mary Ellen Mark (USA), Pascal Maitre (France), Nair Benedicto (Brazil) and Luis Weinstein (Chile). Interested photographers can register here.

Fechas del Segundo POY Latam

Hace unos días regresamos de Fortaleza, Brasil, donde estuvimos finiquitando los últimos detalles sobre el nuevo POY Latam 2013. Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que la Universidad de Ceará será la sede del juzgamiento del 7 al 12 de abril de 2013.

POY y Nuestra Mirada, los productores del POY Latam, van a trabajar con algunos importantes auspiciantes para crear un concurso que —estamos seguros— tendrá incluso más éxito que el primer POY Latam. Nuevos socios como la Universidad de Western Kentucky y Tempo de Imagem, así como algunos auspiciantes del concurso anterior, como el Centro Knight para las Americas de la Universidad de Texas, nos honran con su confianza.

Estamos revisando las reglas y las categorías del concurso con la intención de que sea más claro y sencillo participar. El siguiente POY Latam será incluso más incluyente y relevante. En esta ocasión están también invitados los fotógrafos de España y Portugal. Estamos constituyendo el jurado y dentro de poco empezaremos a anunciar nuestros jueces.

Durante las siguientes semanas anunciaremos varios detalles, incluyendo el nombre de los jueces, las categorías y la información de cómo registrarse a través de los sitio del POY y Nuestra Mirada.

Como siempre, serán ustedes, los participantes en el concurso, los que determinarán su éxito.

Pablo Corral Vega & Loup Langton
Directores, POY Latam

Retornamos, na última semana, de Fortaleza, Brasil, onde fomos finalizar  os detalhes para o novo POYLatam 2013. Estamos orgulhosos de anunciar que a Universidade Federal do Ceará será a sede do julgamento que acontecerá entre os dias 7 e 12 de abril de 2013. POY e Nuestra Mirada, produtores do POY Latam, trabalharão com importantes parceiros para criar um concurso que – estamos seguros – ultrapassará o grande sucesso do primeiro POY Latam. Novos  parceiros como a Universidade Western Kentucky e Tempo de Imagem, e alguns do concurso anterior, como The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas da Universidade do Texas nos honram com sua confiança.
Estamos revisando as regras e as categorias do concurso com a intenção de deixá-las mais claras e permitir uma maior participação. O próximo POY Latam será mais amplo e relevante. Desta vez estamos convidando os fotógrafos da Espanha e Portugal para participarem do concurso.
O corpo de jurados está sendo providenciado e, em pouco tempo, anunciaremos seus nomes.
Pablo Corral Vega & Loup Langton
Directores, POY Latam


We recently travelled to Fortaleza, Brazil to finalize plans for the 2013 POY Latam Contest.  We are proud and excited to announce Universidade Federal do Ceará will host the Contest’s judging April 7-12, 2013.  POY and Nuestra Mirada, the producers of POY Latam, will work with a number of important partners to create a contest that we feel confident will even surpass the great success of the first POY Latam.  New partners such as Western Kentucky University and Tempo de Imagem, as well as continuing partners including The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas will provide key support.

We are currently reviewing all of the categories included in the first POY Latam to make certain the forthcoming contest is as relevant and inclusive as possible, and we have begun to create the 2013 POY Latam jury. 

During the next several weeks we will be announcing details, including judges, categories and entry information through the Nuestra Mirada and POYwebsites. 

This time we will also invite photographers from Spain and Portugal to participate.

As always, it will be you, the participants in the Contest who will determine its ultimate success.

Pablo Corral Vega & Loup Langton
Directors, POYLatam


In cooperation with

Nuestra Mirada
Western Kentucky University
Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute